Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Making money in Madrid?

No. I'm not. It's both expensive and cheap at the same time here.

In walking the tourist areas there are a more elaborate (professional/ local) street musicians/performers than usual  (read Amsterdam); Guy playingaccordian; the Guy hanging mid air; the Greek style ensamble with never ending water flowing from the beaker.

In the other areas, during evening where night the asians come with their roll-bags selling whatever they've perceived people need where its needed. It somehow makes me proud! (to be asian?)
They're selling drinks, at there stairs in the public plazas where people congruate naturally,  sandwiches, and even one guy livingy around a portable compressor to sell air for scooters. The latter one a saw only once to maybe it was a fluke.

Reminds me that in Asia people find ways to work and make money. When with limited resources. Most local corner stores seems run by asians.

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