Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Impossible is Greatly Overrated!

Q: If Bodhisattvas save all living beings, why are there do many living beings left?
A: Bodhisattvas save living beings with whom they have affinities.
-- Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

I think its correct. But I'd like to clarify. Most of us aren't really LIVING BEINGS. That takes practice to be.

I got my visa for China. According to all over internet it's impossible to get multiple entry visa. At most 2 entries 30 days and six months typically. I naively asked for what I  wanted - 2 years multiple entry 60 days. If I stay in Hong Kong, China is then a few subway stops away.

Sometimes you get what you ask for. Usually that's a bad thing. Haha. In this case I hope it's a good thing!

Btw: apparently you don't become fluent in Chinese in two weeks. So I'll take two more ;-). Or is it impossible...?

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