Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tai Chi

I got tired if travel when I came back from Suzhou. It was a rainy day. I had just met my monk friend from Fuzhou before taking the train. We had dumpling with the two older ladies he was travelling with. They were go to go to Hunan to see more temple and parks. I was invited but my heart wasn't in it.

Somehow. Every city has temples. And parks. Some are big. Some have active social life. But how many do you need to see?

So I decided to stay put. I went to visit the tai chi club again. Since it was Monday the master would be there. I look how he and his teaching students play. They enjoy. Friendly bunch. Some speak English. But I don't approach. I let them approach. I talked with many students. I'm sure all teachers now recognize me. And have fun for my "Chinese name" : 大鱼 (big fish) - I explain I don't eat fish. Its all good. I've decided to stay for 10 days in Shanghai and practice this tai chi with them 10 times before leaving China.

Today I made another hole in my belt. One to allow it to be tighter. Thats a good thing. 3 holes costed 5 yuen on the street.

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