Friday, December 10, 2010

At last - China!

I'm doing a small trip to China before my visa expires. It's funny being here. People are smiling!

Guangzhou is a big city. There may be some asian games going on, but I'll go away before then. I'm going south to visit my friend from Suzhou.

I've had dumplings + 2 tea eggs + a soy milk for 10yuen (10 SEK!) it was good! (pic)

I've seen the mascots being used for commercial photographing (pic)

A nice street size restaurant, which just makes my heart throb of it's simple beauty! (pic)

Chef cooking seen from the street, restaurant behind. (pic)

Yes, if you go tourist/shopping areas somebody will try to sell you WATCH!

they: "Hello WATCH!"
me : "Goodbye WATCH!"

but, when passing people on the sidewalk many smile, and they say "hello" - "Ni Hao!", little thing but nice.

The rest of the evening I spoke with a music/singing student, over my dictionary, that works too, it's not the WPM (words per minute) that counts, it's the communication and feelings behind it.

good night!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right, the restaurant is beautiful.