Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shanghai but no noodles

Yesterday I had a slow start. I slept long after having a terrible dinner. Note to anyone: neverbeat at a chain restaurant called "tasty" - because it isn't at all. Its interesting that they provide fix prix menu. But at 96rmb you'd think it be good. But it wasnt. Of course it may be related to that I opted for meat after a month of mostly veg food. In anyway. I was desperate. After that I went to bed as I was exhausted after the 6h train ride.

So. Next day late start. I decided to go to Yu Yuan area. As can be seen on the pics its crawling w tourists. I had some veg food; the pic w veg chicken feet. Not to good. Imitation meet in all honour. The sweet sour pork was ok. But too much sugar and no veggies.

I left it to the tourist to sort out the neo-asian-old-style shopping mall.

After some relaxing that became late. I looked for food. Where I'm staying its all "new" so no street food. That makes it difficult. I decided to head for a restaurant in my guide near a bar I was heading for.

At 11pm poking my head through the door the lady was gesturing that they were closed. I went outside. The serving and buss boys told me to go in again and say I was hungry. I did. They came and took my order. Best food so far in shanghai. Eggs fried w tomatoes. Stinky tofu. The waiter warned me but I persisted. And some scallion cake. Tea. Very good. Happy.

After leaving I headed to the bar. Had a good time. But that's another story. But not for here. :-)

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