Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Now that's a pretty cool photo!

You'll have to comment and guess what it is. First right wins a dinner in Sydney!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Darling Harbour

...is quite touristic. But it is also place with open space within the city. This is good for slowing down and completation. On the picture there are some tourists. Myself excluded of course.

Chinta Ria - The Temple of Love

Today I had dinner at this Malaysian place at the Darling Harbour.  They had some loose leaf tea (chinese/jasmine). Nice atmosphere. This us just next to where I work.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

But Salmon Floss Bun?

That's my limit!

How can you resist?

Well. Actually I did resist this time. Because of all the Asians the bakeries have really cute cakes.

Aud 9 for an ass

Morning light

This is my temp apartment. Warm light in the morning. After San Francisco I swore not to have a north facing apartment again. But in down under... Go figure!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Huddle (team-meeting) at 4 on Friday

But now I should get back to work.

Last weekend I went to the beach.

The Friday I arrived it was 30C in September!

QVB is an extraordinary building

It's like a really old Victorian shopping mall. This is where I have my tea.

In the morning I have tea.

Happiness is getting a pot of loose leaves tea.

HSA validates immigrants health

In their bathrooms they also keep stats about their own handwashing habits. Somehow I think we're supposed to feel safe. But it does seem somewhat obsessive...

Sydney bridge few weeks ago