Friday, October 28, 2011

Gu' va' de tjötar!

I'm sitting in a bar in hk. Some Swedes nearby. They spend all their talking seemingly complaining.  In like twenty minutes I haven't seen them smile like once. The tone and what I hear seems to agree with what i see.

Looking around. It seems i can catch glimpses in few moments for any asian group that some one smiles.

Just now.  Two Swedes hugged. I guess it was some short emotional moment.

It's funny. Many others. Or maybe not Swedes (?) Would talk to people of their own origin. It's not often to see Swedes in Hong Kong....

Or would you?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Last meal....

.... In Amsterdam. Thanks Thian & Robert!

Yesterday walked past a red light district (there are several!) and took a picture of a garden gnome exposed similarly as the ladies.

Also big thanks to the swedish-Japanese continent that hosts me, how they put up with me I can only be thankful for - Tobias and  Yumiko!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Leaving Madrid

The bacon and eggs made me think of Perrin. @snicker@

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Making money in Madrid?

No. I'm not. It's both expensive and cheap at the same time here.

In walking the tourist areas there are a more elaborate (professional/ local) street musicians/performers than usual  (read Amsterdam); Guy playingaccordian; the Guy hanging mid air; the Greek style ensamble with never ending water flowing from the beaker.

In the other areas, during evening where night the asians come with their roll-bags selling whatever they've perceived people need where its needed. It somehow makes me proud! (to be asian?)
They're selling drinks, at there stairs in the public plazas where people congruate naturally,  sandwiches, and even one guy livingy around a portable compressor to sell air for scooters. The latter one a saw only once to maybe it was a fluke.

Reminds me that in Asia people find ways to work and make money. When with limited resources. Most local corner stores seems run by asians.

I got new beads....

... The other ones were rudely taken from me. I didn't take offence. Instead maybe he needed them because of his greed. I hope them will transform his suffering. Himself unwilling.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why do spanish have rhaspy voice?

Many spanish girls have a rhaspy voice, guys too. I never really figured out why. But now it comes to me - its because they all scream to "talk" on the top of their lungs when in the bars that are really loud...

Things you figure out while eating breakfast.

Daytime its relatively warm. Maybe 26. But the whole time a small wind that is little humid (?) thus I don't feel very warm. Late late night, or early morning it may go down considerably. I'm conflicted as I don't feel fully comfortable. The wind drains my energy.

I've noticed that many places in China and even Hong Kong doesn't seem to have a lot of wind. Well current hurricanes excluded. Maybe that's an important factor for me to be aware of.

I have a few days left in Madrid. Not sure what I'm doing. I arrived with fever because of possible food poisoning in Sweden before I left. All good after 24 hours. But, I'm much aware of how my stomach and energy is very much effected by my perception of cold - the winds. It seems late, at 43, to be aware of how (micro)climate effects my wellbeing and health.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Book store IN the curb

Heavy day...

... Walked to the park

Egyptian temple in Madrid!

It's real. They moved it here in 1968. Donated by the Egyptian government. Pretty. But not much to see. Still I like it. Would Sweden receive a pyramide if offered?