Again visiting my friend at the temple in the mountain. Not much to do. Relaxing. But not. Because our minds are trained for many years not to relax. To do. What is it we need to do? Food shelter, yes. But then?
Can we relax and just be when we have enough?
Well, we practice. I just visited/ stayed with a friend in Beijing. He couldn't really get what I was doing. Why I didn't settle down somewhere and work? Well, done that and...
Beijing and Shanghai are very busy cities, it's easy to adopt a busy mind. Chasing around. Sometimes there seems to be something with city life that creates that artificially...
At the moment I'm moving extra slowly, stretched my muscle in my knee so just need rest. Of body and mind. No running around, which is perfect for this environment.
There is only nature, occasional visitors who come and burn incense. But we usually do not speak to them.
I don't really means to leave the hill. It can be walked of course but.... Its pretty tall. And why seek something which isn't here?