You are invited to view jsk's photo album: 20100107_wus_down_up
Message from jsk: I'm starting from the back. I took quite a lot of photos. Here is just walking up and down the mountain to the temple in Wuyishan where I was visiting my friend, and meeting new friends. Sorry for the abundance. I'm still trying to figure out how to use picasaweb both for backup and for presentation. Feel free to comment on pictures you like, I may move them out to a more accessible collection. Cheers, Jonas If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser: To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account. |
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Invitation to view jsk's Picasa Web Album - 20100107_wus_down_up
I love SF!
You just got to love this demonstration and counter demo. I haven't had such a good laugh in a long tolime hence the link.
If you need a napkin for your laughter here is a dispenser.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
We kept bumping into eachother walking around the island
Eventually they wanted to take picture. So here we are. They+two girls study at vocational collage outside Xiamen island. We all had dinner together and took the ferry back. Mostly I spoke to one girl who was studying intl business. So she spoke English OK.
I can't believe its spinage!
OK apparently these three sweets dried together form one complete/perfect combination.
The top may be mango, next is plum, and last was supposed to be dried spinage! It was delicious. And sweet. The yellow color makes me doubt. But it looked like bunched up leaves or such. The typed the word "Bo" in Pinyin which is spinage so it may be. Eat anyway.
When walking around the island eating tea boiled egg. I got some thirst for tea. I was assisted and poured by two girls. At times a third one was part of the "conversation". The boss lady, not in picture, opened up some really good and expensive Two Quan Yin tea that we drank. I bought two local green teas. An oolong with sweet osmatus flower taste and one medium quality te quan yin.
Xiamen Gulang Yu island
Is very popular for pre wedding photography. It was a cold day but many couples. Spoke a bit to this couple. She had been to Sydney.
Chinese manga figures?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jonas S Karlsson" <>
Date: 9 Jan 2010 14:42
Subject: Chinese manga figures?
To: <>No but it almost looks like some. This is from the park that is a out tea and important t people in the history of tea.
Heaven's lake mountain temple
We arrived late but got a warm heart-filled reception by the abbotess. The food was quite good and interesting. Vegetarian with mock chicken in soup. On one picture you see me holding the head of the chicken with my chopsticks. Other picture show a salty pickle of bamboo. The temple picture shows part of the ten thousand Buddhas that fills all the walls. Each being about 15cm tall.
Tasting tea
Wuyishan Mountain is very famous for its delicious teas as well as nature and has fresh air. The most known tea is the Day Hong Bao named after the Big Red Robes sent by the royals to cover the 4 tea bushes from which tea leaves were picked and that cured a princess illness. The teas we are tasting here with the village chief and her son are Yen Cha and an fine Lapsang Souchong. A tea especially imported by the English Royal family hundred of years ago. The way it was infused - the traditional Chinese many times infusion - lended the tea sweet flavour. Normally I drink it steeped very strong and long with condensed milk but I now know another way.
I really enjoy the social and tradition of tea drinking here. Its not a fast business. And luckily I haven't seen any tea bags.
Visiting Wuyishan
My friend Shang is (spiritual) director of this new unopened construction in the mountain. First we enjoyed a long session of tea in the traditional way.
Mr Wong who has been building up the area is a known sculpture artist. Around on the paths up the mountain you have many chances of meetings.
The temple
Where I'm staying in the mountain is beautiful. Its not very old bit has a very distinguished look to it and the grounds are extensive.